Post Class Reflection | August 20

Like in previous classes we had our ENGT class virtually through Google Meet and it started from 10:00 Am in the morning. We had some formal talks at the beginning and after that we experimented on the website Mentimeter too.

Soon we drive to the presentation session. At first we listened to ‘The Lunatic‘ poem from Alice Rana and Shreyash Shrestha and without doing any delay Pawan Subedi and Aman Shrestha presented on the topic ‘Keeping Errors At Bay’. Soon Nishar Baidhay and Suman Upreti urged to present on their respective topic, The Stub Book.

Same day Anish karna, Ritik Rimal and Aman Tamang presented on the topic “Mr Know All“. Duwadi sir suggested them some points where they lacked and started to cover all the topics. After finishing that we officially concluded our class.

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